General Specialties

صدر اشعار قبولي ولم يسبق لي التصنيف والتسجيل في الهيئة، ماذا افعل في هذه الحالة؟

يجب التصنيف والتسجيل بحسب المجال المهني الخاص بكم، وسيتم تعديل تصنيفكم تلقائيا الى متدرب إبتداءً من 25 سبتمبر 2023

صدر اشعار قبولي وانا مصنف ومسجل في الهيئة، ماذا افعل في هذه الحالة؟

سيتم تعديل تصنيفكم تلقائيا الى متدرب إبتداءً من 25 سبتمبر 2023

صدر اشعار قبولي وتصنيفي أو تسجيلي في الهيئة منتهي، ماذا افعل في هذه الحالة؟

يجب تجديد التصنيف والتسجيل الخاص بكم، وسيتم تعديل تصنيفكم تلقائيا الى متدرب 

صدر اشعار قبولي بالتحويل من تخصص إلى آخر (تحت التدريب في أحد برامج الهيئة)، ماذا افعل في هذه الحالة؟

سيكون تصنيفك متدرب كونك ملتحق في أحد برامج الهيئة ولا يتطلب منك أي اجراء يتعلق بالتصنيف والتسجيل.

What are the Postgraduate Programs for General Specialties allowed for non-Saudis?

Non-Saudis can apply to the programs of all general specialties, subspecialties and Diplomas, however the priority for admission and nomination is given to Saudi applicants and the like.

What are the requirements for applying for the postgraduate general specialties programs?

The conditions for applying for the postgraduate programs for general specialties can be found here  

Is it possible to apply for the postgraduate programs for general specialties with the result of the previous exam?

Yes, it is possible to apply with the results of the previous exam, knowing that the system will automatically save the highest score you have obtained.

What is the mechanism of calculating the scores of competition and ranking for admission in the postgraduate programs for general specialties?

The comparison is made after adding the following rates:
- Professional licensing exam 55%
-  GPA 30%
- CV 15%-

There is no internship certificate for overseas certificates, what is the procedure?

The academic record is accepted as a substitute if it contains the GPA.

How is the score of a B.Sc. degree that does not have a GPA calculated?

If an applicant submits a bachelor’s degree certificate that does not have GPA, the applicant must provide an official GPA statement, not providing and submitting an official GPA statement during the application period will result in the cancelation of the application.

Is the student in the internship year entitled to apply for admission to the postgraduate programs?

Yes, the student in the internship year has the right to apply, on a condition that the internship year ends before the starting of the academic program in which he is accepted in.

Can I apply for postgraduate programs without completing a CV?

Yes, the applicant can send the application without completing the CV.

Do I have to upload my higher exam result that I want to be accredited for my application to postgraduate programs?

There is no need for that, as the system will automatically read the highest score and it will be approved in the submission.

Can I submit my application to postgraduate programs without having a professional practice license exam result?

You must take the exam no later than February 19, 2022.

How can the score of someone who obtained a professional license without an exam be calculated as 55%?

You must apply for the Professional License Exam as described in the application conditions.

What does the dispatch by the employer mean? And what are its conditions? (to apply for the general specialties))

It is a letter from the employer stating that they will pay the training fees. The letter must be approved by the employer’s authorized person.

I could not get an employer. What is the procedure to take? (to apply for the general specialties)

In the event of not having an employer, you can personally pay the fees (SELF SPONSER).

Can programs be started without an employer (a sponsor) ? (to apply for the general specialties)

SCFHS has no objection to this, as the accepted person will undertake training on his own cost, on a condition that he obtains an approval from the training center in which he has been accepted

Is there a difference between the employer (sponsor) and the training entity? (to apply for the general specialties) 

Yes, the Sponsor is the applicant employer and it undertakes the payment of the training fees. As for the training body, it is the training center responsible for the training approved by SCFHS, in which the applicant has been accepted

Are remote (online) campaigns accepted?

Yes, online campaigns are accepted if they comply with the conditions. To view them, click here 

Are Red Crescent campaigns accepted? Should the role be mentioned in the campaign certificate?

Yes, Red Crescent campaigns are accepted if they meet the conditions. To find out more, please see (Link to Matching booklet)

Are campaigns accepted as administrative work in healthcare centers present on the volunteering platform?

Any volunteer work is accepted for the National Volunteering Platform of the Ministry of Health. To find out more, please view (Link to the Matching booklet).

Is the voluntary awareness campaign held in a school accepted if it targets students, teachers or employees in the same school?

Yes, certificates of voluntary campaigns are accepted in educational institutions, provided that the authority granting the certificate is an accredited Saudi medical healthcare authority.

Is a certificate of volunteering under the supervision of a public university accepted?

Yes, a volunteer certificate under the supervision of a public university is accepted if it conforms with the rest of the conditions, and it can be found in (Link to the Matching booklet).

Are researches prepared by students accepted?

Researches prepared by students are not accepted. It is required that the research supervisor must be a consultant or a professor in his specialty. If no consultant is available, there is no problem that he can be a specialist or a teaching assistant.

Do I need to have my name  written on the research outline and the approval of the ethics committee to get the score of participation in the research?

It is not required to have the name written on the research outline, but the approval of the Scientific Research Ethics Committee (with its official stamp) is required.

What are the conditions for accrediting the experience letter?

The period of scientific experience should not be less than six months, and it may be one continuous period or two different periods, one of which may not be less than three months (3 months + 3 months).
• Experience should be in the specialty chosen by the applicant as a first choice.
• It must be after the internship period, and any scientific experience during or before the internship period will not be accepted.
• It must be under the supervision of a consultant who is classified and registered at the Saudi Commission for Health Specialties in the same specialty (conditions mentioned in the executive regulations must apply to him) (and it must be in an accredited training center regardless of whether it is governmental or private)
• If the experience is from outside Saudi Arabia, the classification number of the supervisor in the country in which the experience was obtained must be attached, and the jury has the right to reject the experience that cannot be verified.
• No form other than the approved form available on the site will be accepted.

• Any incomplete form will not be counted.
• The form must be filled out by electronically, and handwritten forms will not be accepted

To view the Matching booklet, Appendix No. (1), Question No. (6), click the link 

Is signing the letter of experience by a specialist accepted?

The experience must be under the supervision of a classified consultant registered in the Saudi Commission for Health Specialties in the same specialty, and the experience letter must be conforming with the rest of the approval  conditions of the letter .

Is signing the letter of experience by a specialist accepted?

The experience must be under the supervision of a classified consultant registered in the Saudi Commission for Health Specialties in the same specialty, and the experience letter must be conforming with the rest of the approval  conditions of the letter .

Is experience from outside Saudi Arabia accepted?

Yes, provided that the classification number of the supervisor in the country in which the experience was obtained must   be attached.

Is experience from a private hospital accepted?

Yes, experience from a public or private hospital is accepted, provided that the letter of experience conforms with the rest of the conditions for approving the letter. To view them (link to the Matching booklet)

Should clinical experience be in a hospital where there is a training program on the specialty?

 Yes, it must be an accredited training center, regardless of whether it is governmental or private, and the training must be under the supervision of a consultant who is classified and registered in the same specialty at the Saudi Commission for Health Specialties (Conditions mentioned in the executive regulations must apply to him)

Does experience in the same specialty have a specific date?

No, it does not have a specific date provided that it shall be after the internship year.

If the experience is in two separate periods (3 months with a consultant and 3 months with another consultant), will it be accepted?

Yes, it is accepted, provided that the experience letter conforms with the approval conditions of this letter.

Is training in the preferred specialty for 6 consecutive months considered necessary to obtain the degree of scientific experience?

It is accepted; 6 consecutive months or 3 separate months.

Is the internship period considered as part of the experience?

No, the experience must be after the internship period, and no scientific experience during or before the internship period will be accepted.

How many times is the trainee entitled to transfer from one program to another? (while training in the postgraduate programs for general specialties)

The trainee has the right to apply for a transference only once throughout the training period.

Do I need to be attending the training on the transfer time? (in the postgraduate programs for general specialties)

Yes, the applicant is required to be a trainee in the training program.

What is meant by special conditions for transferring to another program? (while training in one of the postgraduate programs for general specialties)

These are the conditions that the trainee must fulfill so that his transference application will be accepted.   

I was accepted into one of the postgraduate programs for general specialties and would like to transfer to another?

The change of specialty may be done through the online  (Matching system) synchronized with the dates of applying for the postgraduate health programs.

What is the mechanism of transferring between postgraduate programs? (general specialties)

Compliance with the terms of application and transfer, and submitting a transfer request through the online portal: 
Noting that each trainee has one opportunity to transfer between specialties during his registration in the SCFHS programs.

 What is meant by transferring between postgraduate programs (for general specialties)?

It is a service provided to trainees in the Saudi Board Certificate programs to transfer from one specialty to another only once, provided that the applicant is a trainee in the training program. For more details, please click here

When will the portal of transferring between postgraduate programs for general specialties be opened?

The transference date coincides with the date of application for healthcare postgraduate programs through the matching system and . For more details and upcoming  dates, please click here

Is it allowed to work during the period of application for the postgraduate programs for general specialties , i.e. before starting the training?

Yes, No problem.

Can we send the application to see if all the required files are correct and have a chance to amend them during the application period?

You can view the attachments during the  application period to make sure that your attachments are correct before pressing “Send” in the system.

Is it possible to apply for the postgraduate programs for general specialties through the portal and then upload the rest of the requirements later?

Before pressing “Send” while you  apply, you can come back later, edit and upload attachments, as it is not possible to edit or add anything after the application is approved.

Do I have the right to withdraw the result of the old comprehensive acceptance exam and replace it with the new one after applying?

The exam results will be directly linked online to the applicant's file in the admission portal, and the highest score will be automatically saved in the system.

What is a job profile form?

It is a letter proving employment. In order to obtain the score of the CV, the applicant must be on the job in a health facility as a healthcare practitioner in the same field in which the certificate was obtained (doctor/ nurse/ pharmacist/ dentist/ Applied Medical Sciences), and he must be working there a full-time and not a part time.

Does the research proposal need to be sealed?

Yes, the research outline must be stamped with an official or an electronic stamp by the college, hospital, or head of the research team.

Is the research proposal accepted if it is expired?

Yes, it is accepted if it conforms with the conditions. To view it, click here (direct link to the Matching booklet)

When will the preliminary results of admission to the postgraduate programs (for general specialties) be announced?

The date will be announced in the submission and admission timetable.

When may those on the waiting list be replied to?

There is no specific date. Waiting lists for programs are used, according to the availability of vacant seats before the starting of the training year, in accordance with the organizing procedure. Noting that the procedure is automated and does not require you to follow up.

Can the wish list (most desirable) be changed after nomination?

It is not possible to change (the most wished), and the rest of the other wishes can be changed according to the announced timetable .

Can the nomination option be modified?

The nominated wish cannot be modified to add another wish.

I haven't been issued a trainee number yet. What is the procedure to take? (postgraduate programs for general specialties)

The trainee's number is automatically issued after completing the registration requirements for admission shown in the admission notice.

When will the new program start?

The new program will start on October 1st .

What is the mechanism of objection to the CV evaluation?

​To apply for a re-evaluation of the CV:
- Log in via the admission and registration portal.
- Select re-evaluate CV.
- Pay the fees.
Noting that each applicant has the right to object only once according to the announced timetable.

Can I attach documents when requesting a CV review?


When is the period for objection to the CV evaluation score?

Objection to the evaluation score can be made at any time before the end of the application period.

I was nominated in a specialty in a particular region and was not accepted in any of its centers, then I was accepted in a training center in another region. Can I join it?

It's not possible. Admission is made only in the region for which the nomination is made.

I am nominated in a specific specialty and I want to change the city

It is not possible to change the city that  you have been nominated for. However, you can request to move from one city to another after the program you have admitted to had started and in accordance with the regulations.

I was nominated and interviewed at the training centers and I did not get a job reference. Can I be accepted for training as (personal contract)? (in postgraduate programs for general specialties)

Yes, this can be made after referring to the Commission, signing the undertaking, paying the training fees and coordinating with the training center to accept this.

Can programs be started without an Employer (a Sponsor) ?(in postgraduate programs for general specialties)

SCFHS has no objection to this, as the accepted person will undertake training on his own cost, on a condition that he obtains an approval from the training center in which he has been accepted.

I could not attend the interview (for one of postgraduate programs for general specialties), and I would like to schedule another appointment

Please contact the training center to know the procedure followed by the center to conduct the interview, and abide by the date announced in the interviews timetable.

Regarding the postgraduate programs for general specialties ,In the event of applying for a particular specialty in most wish , can I have more than one interview in more than one center for the same specialty?

You have the right to attend all the personal interviews you have been nominated to.

What are the documents required from the candidate in the postgraduate programs for general specialties to bring to the personal interview?

You can contact the training center regarding the required documents  for the personal interview.

Do I have the right to postpone admission (in one of the postgraduate programs for general specialties)?

Admission to the first year of training cannot be postponed. For more details, you can view the training list for postgraduate program on SCFHS website:
(The link should be added appropriately)


I applied in one of the postgraduate programs for general specialties and want to withdraw. What is the procedure to take?

It is possible to withdraw through the admission and registration portal by clicking on the “Withdraw application” option.

 Does withdrawing from admission in the last year affect the application in this year in the postgraduate programs for general specialties?

If the withdrawal is before the end of the academic year, it will not affect the new application for that year.

What are the fees for the annual training in the postgraduate programs for general specialties?

Annual training fees vary from one specialty to another.

What are the fees for objection to the CV evaluation?

The CV re-evaluation fee is (300 Riyals) to be paid automatically through SADAD or the electronic payment portal (Hyper Pay).

How to apply for postgraduate programs for the Saudi Specialty Certificate and Diploma?
by entering the main website of the Saudi Commission for Health Specialties , 
application available by clicking here


What majors are available for applying to postgraduate programs for Saudi specialization certificates and diplomas?

They can be viewed when applying on the online portal Press here


If an applicant scored the highest SLE exam during the examination period of January 2024, will this score be reflected in The Matching system for Saudi Board and diploma programs application for the year 2024?

Yes, the highest SLE exam during the examination period of January 2024 will be reflected in The Matching system.


 What are the requirements for applying for subspecialties for post graduate programs and fellowships?

​Application conditions:
1- Fill out the E-form.
2- Brief CV.
3- The applicant must hold a Saudi Board Certificate in a general specialty or its equivalent (Professional Classification Certificate with the rank of Senior Registrar) or passing the written exam of the Saudi Board Certificate for the general specialty.
4- An initial sabbatical letter from the employer, and in case of admission, providing a final sabbatical letter for the entire training period.
5- Three recommendations from consultants you previously worked with.

Is it permissible for non-Saudis to apply for subspecialties?

Non-Saudis can apply to the programs of all general specialties, subspecialties and Diplomas, however the priority for admission and nomination is given to Saudi applicants and the like.

What are the specialties allowed for non-Saudis in the postgraduate programs for subspecialties ?

Non-Saudis can apply to the programs of all general specialties, subspecialties and Diplomas, however the priority for admission and nomination is given to Saudi applicants and the like.

Can programs be started without an Employer (a Sponsor)? (in the postgraduate programs for subspecialties)

SCFHS has no objection to this, as the accepted person will undertake training on his own cost, on a condition that he obtains an approval from the training center in which he has been accepted.

Is there a difference between the Employer (Sponsor) and the training entity? (in the postgraduate programs for subspecialties)

Yes, the Sponsor is the applicant employer and it undertakes the payment of the training fees. As for the training entity , it is the training center responsible for the training approved by SCFHS, in which the applicant has been accepted.

I could not get an Employer. What is the procedure to take? (in the postgraduate programs for subspecialties)

In the event of not having an employer, you can personally pay the fees (SELF SPONSER).

What does the dispatch by the employer mean? And what are its conditions? (in the postgraduate programs for subspecialties)

It is a letter from the employer stating that they will pay the training fees. The letter must be approved by the employer’s authorized person.

When will the preliminary results of admission to the postgraduate programs (for subspecialties) be announced?

The date will be announced in the submission and admission timetable.
Please, click here

I haven't been issued a trainee number yet. What is the procedure to take?(in the postgraduate programs for subspecialties)

The trainee's number is automatically issued after completing the registration requirements for admission shown in the admission notice.

 Do I have the right to postpone admission (in one of the subspecialties programs)?

Admission to the first year of training cannot be postponed. For more details, you can view the training list for postgraduate program on SCFHS website

تقدمت لأحد برامج البورد السعودي في الاختصاصات الدقيقة وأرغب بالانسحاب. ما الإجراء؟

يمكن الانسحاب عن طريق نظام المفاضلة والقبول وذلك بالضغط على خيار انسحاب (Withdraw application).

ما هي التخصصات المتاحة للتقديم في برامج البورد السعودي في الاختصاصات الدقيقة؟

يمكن الاطلاع عليها عند التقديم عبر البوابة الإلكترونية

Saudi Board in Clinical Pharmacy

ما هي شروط التقديم على  برامج البورد السعودي في الاختصاص الرئيسي لبرامج الصيدلة السريرية؟

أن يكون المتقدم من متدربي السنة الثانية لشهادة البورد السعودي لدبلوم الصيدلة السريرية  

•    أو أن يكون حاصلاً على شهادة دبلوم الصيدلة السريرية من الهيئة السعودية للتخصصات الصحية. 

•    أو التقديم على خدمة دراسة مؤهل شهادة الإقامة في الممارسة الصيدلانية المعترف بها من قبل الجمعية الأمريكية للنظام الصحي الصيدلاني (ASHP) واكمال التسجيل لاختبارات دبلوم الصيدلة السريرية.  

•    أو التقديم على خدمة دراسة مؤهل شهادة ماجستير الصيدلة السريرية واكمال التسجيل لاختبارات دبلوم الصيدلة السريرية. 

مع العلم بأن اجتياز الاختبارين الكتابي والسريري لدبلوم الصيدلة السريرية هو شرط للقبول على برامج البورد السعودي في التخصص الرئيسي للصيدلة السريرية 

هل يحق لغير السعوديين التقديم على برامج البورد السعودي في الاختصاص الرئيسي لبرامج الصيدلة السريرية؟

نعم يحق لغير السعوديين التقديم مع أولوية القبول والترشيح للمتقدمين السعوديين ومن في حكمهم.

ما هي التخصصات المسموحة لغير السعوديين في  برامج البورد السعودي في الاختصاص الرئيسي لبرامج الصيدلة السريرية؟

يمكن لغير السعوديين التقديم على جميع برامج البورد السعودي في الاختصاصات الرئيسية و الاختصاصات الدقيقة والدبلومات مع أولوية القبول والترشيح للمتقدمين السعوديين ومن في حكمهم.

تقدمت لأحد  برامج البورد السعودي في الاختصاص الرئيسي لبرامج الصيدلة السريرية وأرغب بالانسحاب. ما الإجراء؟

يمكن الانسحاب عن طريق نظام المفاضلة والقبول وذلك بالضغط على خيار انسحاب (Withdraw application).

ما هي التخصصات المتاحة للتقديم في برامج البورد السعودي في الاختصاص الرئيسي لبرامج الصيدلة السريرية؟

يمكن الاطلاع عليها عند التقديم عبر البوابة الإلكترونية

ماذا يعني الإيفاد من جهة العمل؟ وما هي شروطه؟

هو خطاب من جهة العمل يصرح بأن الجهة ستتكفل بسداد الرسوم التدريبية. ويجب أن يكون الخطاب معتمدًا من صاحب الصلاحية في جهة العمل.

لم أستطع الحصول على جهة عمل. ما هو الإجراء؟

في حال عدم الحصول على جهة عمل بإمكانك سداد الرسوم شخصياً (SELF SPONSOR) بشرط موافقة المركز التديبي الذي تم القبول فيه

هل يوجد فرق بين الجهة الوظيفية (Sponsor) وجهة التدريب؟

نعم، Sponsor هو الجهة التي يتبع لها المتقدم وظيفيًا والتي تتكفل بسداد الرسوم التدريبية. أما جهة التدريب فهي المركز التدريبي المسؤول عن التدريب المعتمد من الهيئة والذي تم قبول المتقدم فيه.

Saudi postgraduate diploma

How can I know the number of training years for one of the postgraduate training programs?

You can view the list of Postgraduate Programs through the training icon in the Postgraduate Programs window on the Commission’s website, to know the details of each program and its number of years.

What is the maximum number of training years in Postgraduate programs?

-The maximum duration of training in any training program is twice the period approved for the program, including periods of discontinuation, postponement or withdrawal - if any - with the exception of cases of transfer from one specialty to another.
-The maximum beginner training level: It is twice the minimum level of the same level based on what is determined by the Scientific Council of the specialty or the total determined for the program, whichever is longer.

What is the minimum period for calculating a training year in Postgraduate programs?

The period of the training year (twelve months) from its beginning to its end, including annual leave (one month) and one Eid vacation 

What are the documents required for changing a hospital or a training center in one of the Postgraduate programs?

Filling out the form of changing the training center or the training group, the availability of a training seat in the center transferred to, and obtaining the necessary approvals stated in the form.

If I pass the Part l exam, will I be promoted directly to the next level?

Passing the Part l exam during the training year does not automatically qualify you for promotion to the next level during the same training year without completing the other promotion requirements for that year. In the event that passing the first part test dispenses with passing the end of the year test, taking into account the obligation to sit for the end of the training year test

Can I sit for the part l exam during the training period?

You must sit for the exam at the junior levels determined by the scientific councils in the general specialties, and this exam does not include postgraduate training programs such as diplomas and fellowships.

If I get a “clear fail” in one of the methods, shall I be obliged to reattend the training year?

If you get a “clear fail” on one of the methods, you will be obligated to reattend the year without any consideration of the other methods.

Shall the trainee be obliged to reattend all the training courses when reattending the training year?

Yes, when reattending the training year, the trainee must reattend all the training courses for that year.

Do I have the right to object and appeal against the decision to reattend the year? Where can I submit my objection?

Yes, As a trainee, you have the right to object to the decision of reattending the year within 30 days of its issuance, through informing the regular representative of the completed programs and the co-executive director of the joint programs.

What are the registration requirements for the final cognitive (written) examination?

examination requirements:
- Completing the training period of the program.
- Electronic application at the start of registration.
- Verify that the trainee has the needed competency related to the Specialty.

I would like to know the coordinator responsible for my training program.

You can contact the Trainees Affairs Department via the following email:

I would like to know the upper and lower limits as well as the types of courses scheduled for my training program.

You can view the program brochure on the website:
- Postgraduate health programs.
- Choose the relevant software category.
- Necessary selection of service.
- See the program brochure.

I would like to receive the recordings of electronic lectures for a training program.

You can obtain electronic lecture recordings for training programs via the website:
- electronic services.
- Trainee services.
- e-learning platform.
- Entering the service
- Choose the appropriate category.

How can I apply for an extension of dispatch during the postgraduate program?

By filling out the form available on the website of the Saudi Commission for Health Specialties and then submitting it to the concerned coordinator.

Can I extend the dispatch after completing the training during the postgraduate program?

The trainee cannot obtain an extension of dispatch after completing the training.

How can I apply for a transfer during the postgraduate program?

By filling out the forms available on SCFHS website then submitting them to the concerned coordinator.

How can I get a transfer request form during the training period in one of the Postgraduate Programs?

Please Visit the Commission's  website, select the training window, click on forms, then select changing the training center or training group form.

Is there a deadline for applying for a transfer during the postgraduate program?

Yes. Two months before the transfer date.

Can I apply for a transfer during the first year during the postgraduate program?

Yes, you can, but it is required to obtain the approval of the people of authority in the center you are moving from and the center you are moving to, without exceeding the capacity of the center you want to move to.

Can I switch with a trainee in the area I want to move to during the postgraduate program?

Yes, you can coordinate it with the replacing trainee and submit the necessary approvals to the specialty coordinator

What does the term “postponement of the training year” mean in the postgraduate program?

It is a prior application for training discontinuity for the next academic year.

How can I apply for a postponement of the training year in the postgraduate program?

Through the E-services on SCFHS website.

Is there a deadline for applying for a postponement of the training year in the postgraduate program?

Yes. Two months prior to the starting of the academic year in which the trainee  desires to be postponed.

Can I postpone my first academic year in the postgraduate program?

Postponement can only be applied for, after training for at least one year.

Can I postpone the training year for more than one year or apply for the postponement more than once in the postgraduate program?

No. Postponement is permitted only once during the program and for one academic year.

Do I have to continue paying fees when I postpone the training year in the postgraduate program?

No. The fees are carried forward to the year following the postponement.

Is the period of postponement of the training year counted in the duration of the postgraduate training program?


Can I attend Part I Examination during the postponement of the training year in the postgraduate program? 

The postponer is not entitled to apply for Part I Examinations during the postponement period

Can I cancel the postponement of the training year in the postgraduate program?

The postponement cannot be canceled after the issuance of the approval.

When should I return to for training when I postpone the training year in the Postgraduate program?

The trainee must starts his training on the first day after the end of the postponement year. Any delay might result in considering the trainee as withdrawn and his enrollment will be dismissed.

Can I apply for a change of specialty  during the postponement of the training year in the postgraduate program?

The postponer is not entitled to apply to  change his specialty during the postponement period

What does withdrawal mean in the postgraduate program?

It is the application for a permanent withdrawal from the training program and   enrollment dismissal.

How can I apply for a withdrawal from the Postgraduate Training Program?

Through the E-services on SCFHS website.

Is there a deadline for applying for withdrawal from the Postgraduate Training Program?

Withdrawal can be applied for, at any time during the academic year.

Can I be enrolled in another program after I withdraw from the Postgraduate Training Program?

The withdrawer can apply for other SCFHS programs at least after one training year has passed from the date of his withdrawal.

Should I discontinue training immediately after applying for a withdrawal from the Postgraduate Training Program?

Upon applying for withdrawal, the trainee continues his training until the issuance of  dismissal enrollment decision and, he shall complet the necessary clearance procedures from the training center.

Do I have to continue paying fees when I withdraw from the training program?

To complete the withdrawal application, the trainee must obtain a clearance letter and pay any consequent fees.

What is discontinuity of training in the postgraduate program?

 Discontinuity in  training with an acceptable excuse for a temporary period (not exceeding one year).

How can I apply for a discontinuity of training in the postgraduate program?

Through the E-services on SCFHS website.

Is there a deadline for applying for a discontinuity of training in the postgraduate program?

Discontinuity can be applied for at any time during the year.

How can I obtain an application form for discontinuation of training in Postgraduate programs?

There is no unified form for the discontinuation of training, and we confirm that the application for discontinuation service is one of the electronic trainees’ services on the Commission’s website, and it can be applied for after attaching the approval of the discontinuation by the program director and the specialized committees, according to the nature of the program (joint or complete) in order to obtain the approval decision according to the regulation followed by the Training Supervision Department of the Commission.

How long is the period allowed to discontinue training in the postgraduate program?

The permissible period of discontinuity Shall not exceed one year, please note that the discontinuity for a period of more than 3 months, including the annual leave, will obligate the trainee to reattend the full academic year.

How can I make up for days of discontinuity of training in the postgraduate program?

If the discontinuity is for a period of 3 months or less, including the annual leave, it shall be compensated by using annual vacations and/or after the end of the program and before receiving the training completion certificate. If the discontinuity exceeds that period, the trainee must reattend the full academic year.

Do I have to continue to pay fees while I discontinue a training in the postgraduate program?

Yes. Discontinuity in training does not exempt from paying the fees.

Is the period of discontinuity of training counted in the period of the postgraduate training program?


Can I extend the period of discontinuity of training in the postgraduate program?

Discontinuity can only be extended with a prior recommendation by the Training Program Committee, and an approval of the Institutional Training Committee or the Joint Training Committee.

Can I apply for changing specialty during the discontinuity of training in the postgraduate program?

Yes, on a condition that the discontinuity does not exceed 3 months.

Can I attend Part I Examination during the discontinuity of training in the postgraduate program?

Yes, on a condition that the discontinuity does not exceed 3 months.

What is the difference between discontinuity of training and the annual leave in the postgraduate program?

The discontinuity is a period of absence that must be compensated before obtaining the training completion certificate . As for the leave, the trainee is not required to compensate it.

What is the difference between the discontinuity of training and the postponement of the training year in the postgraduate program?

The discontinuity is a period of absence with an acceptable excuse for a period not more than one year. On the other hand, postponement it is a prior application to stop training for the next academic year.

What are the official holidays for trainees during the postgraduate program?

The trainee is entitled to have:
1- An annual leave of 4 weeks.
2- One of the two Eid holidays.
3- A scientific leave to attend (a conference or scientific seminars in the same specialty or the like) with the maximum of not more than 7 working days in one academic year.
4- Maternity leave, sick leaves and emergency leaves, where their total, together with the annual leave, shall not exceed 3 collective months, and they must be compensated.

Are weekends counted in the official vacation?

Yes, weekend days are counted in the total vacation period

Can I take my annual leave on the same start date after the postponement?

It is not possible, and the training must be started in the following year after the completion of the postponement.

Can I transfer the annual leave for the next year during the postgraduate program?

Dear trainee, annual leave cannot be carried over to the next year.

How long is the educational leave during the postgraduate program?

7 days maximum,  on a condition that obtaining an approval of the training committee  along with an evidence of attendance of the event is required.

How long is the sick leave and the maternity leave during the postgraduate program?

3 months maximum, including the annual leave, which shall be treated as a period of discontinuity of training for the trainee and must be compensated.

Do I have to make up for sick and maternity leave days in the postgraduate program?


How can I make up for sick and maternity leave days during the postgraduate program?

The discontinuity is compensated using the annual leave and/or after the end of the program and before receiving the certificate.

I am having trouble applying for the final cognitive (written) examination?

To solve the problem:
1- You must make sure that your personal data entered in the fields is correct
2- Ensure that your status is (under training)
3- Verify the payment of training fees
If the problem persists, please contact us by submitting a ticket from the Tawasul electronic system and selecting the track for supervising postgraduate programs.

I am having trouble applying for the part l exam?

To solve the problem, you can follow the steps below:
1- You must make sure that your personal data entered in the fields is correct.
2- Ensure that your condition is (under training).
3- Verify the payment of training fees.
If the problem persists, please contact us by raising a ticket from the Tawasul electronic system and testing the track for supervising graduate programs.

I am having trouble applying for the promotion exam?

To solve the problem, you can follow the steps below:
1- You must make sure that your personal data entered in the fields is correct.
2- Ensure that your condition is (under training).
3- Verify the payment of training fees.
If the problem persists, please contact us by raising a ticket from the Tawasul electronic system and testing the track for supervising graduate programs.

What are the annual promotion criteria?

They are criteria approved by the Scientific Council/Committee of Specialization to upgrade the trainee from one level to the next, including cognitive, behavioral and skill aspects.

How do I know the annual upgrade criteria for my program?

You can view the annual promotion criteria through the Saudi Commission for Health Specialties website (training - postgraduate programs - regulations - continuous evaluation methods).

What do I need to register for the annual promotion exam?

The exam taker must be a regular in training.

How can I get the annual report? (The postgraduate program)

Steps for issuing the annual report:
1- Log in to the SCFHS website
2- E-Services
3- Trainees services
4- Annual report printing service

How can I authenticate the training completion certificate?

Certificate authentication steps:
1- Log in to SCFHS website
2- E-Services
3- Trainees services
4- Training completion certificate authentication service

Can I print the graduation the training completion certificate electronically?

The training completion certificate can be printed electronically only for those who completed their training after October 1, 2020, you can follow the below steps to print the training completion certificate:
1- Log in SCFHS website
2- E-Services
3- Trainees services
4- Training completion certificate printing service

How can I apply for a re-enrollment?

If the center you want to re-enroll in is complete: you shall submit an application to   re-enroll, then the result of the application will be submitted to the Administration of Admission and Registration.
However, if the center that you want to be re-enrolled in is a Joint program: You shall submit an application to the Joint Training Program Committee through sending a mail to the specialty coordinator.

How can I get my registration number in the program?

Steps to obtain the registration number:
1- Log in to SCFHS website
2- E-Services
3- Trainees services
4- Search service for the trainee registration number

Does the Commission provide assistance when there is a psychological problem?

Yes, through “Daem” service, which is completely free service.

How can I apply for Daem service?

You can benefit from Daem service by:
1- Log in to the SCFHS website
2- E-Services
3- Trainees 
4- Daem service

Is there a fee for Daem service?

No. The service is completely free.

How can I apply for the financial clearance?

Through the E-services on the SCFHS website. 

Do I have to apply for the financial clearance?

Yes. Completing  the financial clearance is necessary to obtain the graduation certificate.

Is there a deadline for applying for the financial clearance?

The financial clearance can be applied for at any time after completing the training.

What are the conditions for obtaining the financial clearance?

Completing the training and paying all the fees.

Are there any fees for applying for the financial clearance?

There is no service fee

How can I pay the training fees?

Steps of paying the training year fees of the programs:
1- SADAD service through the bank
2- Entering the Commission code 129
3- Entering the invoice number

Where can I find the invoice number?

Invoice issuance steps:
1- Log in to SCFHS website
2- E-Services
3- Trainees services
4- Invoice printing service

When will the fine for late payment of fees be issued to me?

After 60 days have passed from the issuance of the invoice, and the payment period with a delay fine does not exceed 30 days, the total period allowed for payment after extending the credit period (with a fine for delay) becomes only 90 days.

When is the last date to pay the late fine?

The allowed period for repayment after extending the credit period (with a fine for delay) is only 90 days, with no change from the issuance of the invoice.

When is the last date for paying training fees?

The allowed period for repayment after extending the credit period (with a fine for delay) is only 90 days, with no change from the issuance of the invoice.

Will the training fee be paid in case of postponement (with an explanation of the September 30th condition)?

Postponement: It is the cessation of training in the program for a period of one training year, and the trainee is applying for it before the beginning of the training year during the available period and shown in the electronic service on the commission’s website


What are the dates for the end-of-year training exams of  the Saudi Specialty Certificate Programs?

end-of-year exams are held for all trainees after completing at least nine months of the relevant training year

What is the registration mechanism for the Arab Board (Arab Board of Medical Specialization)?

after the trainee been accepted into the Saudi Specialization Certificate Program, he/she may apply for the Arab Board by filling out the form , pay the fees, and then submitting the form to the Secretary of the Scientific Council

In case the trainee fails - the first part exam -  is it necessary to submit electronic form to request entry to the exam for the second time?

The trainee must submit an electronic form to enter the - first part exam-  for the second time and he/she  allowed to sit for the exam for  4 attempts maximum

Is the trainee obligated, in case of freezing the program for a year, to pay training fees?

The trainee does not have to pay the fees or fill out the form, in case of freezing.  The trainee has the right to request freezing once throughout the duration of the program.

In case the trainee fails and repeats the academic year, is he/she required to pay the fees and fill out the registration form?


Yes, the trainee who repeated the academic year must pay the fees and also fill out the form

Is it necessary to fill out the trainee registration form on an annual basis?

The trainee must fill out the form and have it signed by the program director at the center he/she belongs to at the beginning of each training year

How to complete registration procedures for the new admissions to the Saudi Specialty Certificate Programs?

After receiving the acceptance notice and obtains the approval of the training center- 

- Trainee must  obtain approval from the entity which he/she is affiliated then pay the fees for the program then fill out the trainee registration form

Trainee's Annual Survey

What is the SCFHS Trainers Annual Survey?

The Saudi Commission for Health Specialties (SCFHS) built this Annual survey in order to further understand the clinical and educational experience of Faculty and provide them with a platform to share their voices, needs and aspirations.

How long does it take to complete the annual training survey for trainers?

The survey takes around 10-12 minutes to complete. It is best that you choose a quiet time and place to take the survey.

How can I fill out the annual training survey for trainers?

-    This survey should only be completed by Faculty. It’s an open survey and will be available in SCFHS communication channels: website, social media.
-    The survey can be accessed on a mobile device or a computer, supported by updated versions of internet browsers: Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, Apple Safari, or Internet Explorer (Version 11 and above).
-    Survey links will expire once the survey is submitted. The survey cannot be taken more than once.

I am a trainer in programs and centers accredited by the SCFHS, when can I participate in filling out the survey?

The Faculty Annual Survey for Residency / Fellowship programs is conducted between June and July for each Academic year.
-    SCFHS will publish the survey dates through its communication channels: website, social media.
-    The survey will be open for approximately Four weeks for participants to complete the survey.
-    SCFHS will also notify Program Directors for their participation once the survey has opened.
-    SCFHS will also notify each Designated Institutional Official (DIO’s) and program directors once the survey has opened. to ensure that their Faculty complete the survey by the assigned deadline.
-    Reminders will be sent to each Faculty until completing the survey.

Are trainers of programs and centers accredited by the SCFHS qualified to fill out the survey?

All active Faculty members within a SCFHS accredited Program & Center have to complete the survey every academic year.

What programs and training centers are eligible to participate in the annual training survey for trainers?

This survey extends to all SCFHS accredited training programs and training centers with active Faculty in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

How is data of the annual training survey for trainers used?

-    This survey is intended to identify the areas of common concerns at the National, Program and Training Center levels to help the SCFHS address them and enhance the training environment for Faculty.
-    Survey results will be shared and discussed with Program Directors and Training Centers during the SCFHS visits.

Who do I contact if I did not receive the annual training survey for trainers or if I encountered problems completing it?

A helpdesk is available to resolve any issues. Please email  and the team are here to assist you.

Do I have to provide my personal and program or training center information in the annual Training Survey for trainers?

No, all data will be retrieved from SCFHS database but you will be able to edit the information of the training center, Please ensure that all information provided regarding your training center and city are correct as it will reflect on the results.

Will others be able to see my answers entered in the annual Training survey for trainers?

- To ensure ultimate confidentiality, the survey is conducted through a third-party responsible for collecting and analyzing data on behalf of the SCFHS.
-  All survey responses are kept anonymous, NO ONE in the Program, Training Center or SCFHS will have access to individualized responses.
- Survey responses are aggregated at the Program / Training Center level, then analyzed and shared with relevant stakeholders.

What should I do if I did not find my training center in the list of the annual training survey for trainers?

Please email and the team are here to assist you.

Do I have to answer all the questions of the annual training survey for trainers?

-    To collect meaningful insights for improvement, we appreciate providing candid and honest feedback. If you find any item not applicable to your case, please select the “Not Applicable” choice or skip it.
-    The survey is considered complete only when the participant navigates through the full survey items and click on “Submit” button at the end of the survey.

What are the types of questions expected in the annual training survey for trainers?

The survey is built to assess the common Training Program requirements, clinical and educational experiences. Questions are built on a standard rating scale. We also provide you with opportunity to add comments as applicable.

What is the SCFHS  Trainees Annual Survey?

The Saudi Commission for Health Specialties (SCFHS) built this Annual survey in order to further understand the clinical and educational experience of Residents / Fellows and provide them with a platform to share their voices, needs and aspirations. 

What are the programs and training centers eligible to participate in the annual training survey for trainees?

This survey extends to all SCFHS accredited training programs and training centers with active Residents / Fellows in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. 

Are trainees of health postgraduate programs accredited by the SCFHS eligible to fill out  the survey?

All active Residents / Fellows within a SCFHS accredited Postgraduate training programs have to complete the survey every academic year.

I'm a trainee in health graduate programs accredited by the SCFHS when Can I participate by filling out the survey?

-    The Residents/Fellows Annual Survey is conducted between June and July for each Academic year.
-    SCFHS will publish the survey dates through its communication channels: website, social media.
-    The survey will be open for approximately Four weeks for participants to complete the survey.
-    SCFHS will also notify each Designated Institutional Official (DIO’s) and program directors once the survey has opened. to ensure that their Residents/Fellows complete the survey by the assigned deadline.
-    Reminders will be sent to each Residents/Fellows until completing the survey.

How can I fill out the annual survey for trainees?

-    Survey invitations will be sent to each Residents / Fellows registered email / mobile numbers in SCFHS training system.
-    Each invitation will have a secure and individualized web-link to the survey.
-    The survey can be accessed on a mobile device or a computer, supported by updated versions of internet browsers: Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, Apple Safari, or Internet Explorer (Version 11 and above).
-    This survey should only be completed by Residents / Fellows. Each survey link is UNIQUE to the participant and should be treated with confidentiality and not be forwarded to any other individual other than the one addressed to.
-    Survey links will expire once the survey is submitted. The survey cannot be taken more than once.

How long does it take to complete the annual training survey for trainees?

The survey is built to assess the common training program requirements, clinical and educational experiences. Questions are built on a standard rating scale. We also provide you with opportunity to add comments as applicable.

What are the types of questions expected in the annual training survey for trainees?

The survey is built to assess the common training program requirements, clinical and educational experiences. Questions are built on a standard rating scale. We also provide you with opportunity to add comments as applicable.

Should I answer all questions on the annual trainees survey?

-    To collect meaningful insights for improvement, we appreciate providing candid and honest feedback. If you find any item not applicable to your case, please select the “Not Applicable” choice or skip it.
-    The survey is considered complete only when the participant navigates through the full survey items and click on “Submit” button at the end of the survey.

Will others be able to see my answers entered in the annual trainees survey ?

- To ensure ultimate confidentiality, the survey is conducted through a third-party responsible for collecting and analyzing data on behalf of the SCFHS.
-  All survey responses are kept anonymous, NO ONE in training programs and training centers or SCFHS will have access to individual responses.
- Survey responses are aggregated at the training programs and training centers level, then analyzed and shared with relevant stakeholders.

Do I have to provide my personal and program or training center information in the annual training survey for trainees?

No, all data will be retrieved from SCFHS database but you will be able to edit the information of the training center, Please ensure that all information provided regarding your training center and city are correct as it will reflect on the results.

What should I do if I did not find my training center in the list of the annual training survey for trainees?

Please email and the team are here to assist you.

Who do I contact if I did not receive the annual training survey for trainees or if I encountered problems completing it?

A helpdesk is available to resolve any issues. Please email and the team are here to assist you.

How is the data of the annual training survey for trainees used?

- This survey is intended to identify the areas of common concerns at the National, Program and Training Center levels to help the SCFHS address them and enhance the training environment for Residents / Fellows.
-  Survey results will be shared and discussed with Program Directors and Training Centers during the SCFHS visits.
Please e-mail questions, comments, or concerns about the Resident / Fellow Survey to


How to send email reminder to finish pending evaluations?

Sendouts>outstanding forms>custom queries>all outstanding forms> get forms>bulk email reminder.

How to send email reminder to finish pending evaluations?

Sendouts>outstanding forms>custom queries>all outstanding forms> get forms>bulk email reminder.

How can we send a form every 3 months if the rotation is for the whole year (Restorative Dentistry)?

From setup select manage rotation then create a rotation for Ex.( resto 1) (resto 2 ) and select that rotation every 3 months because if there is one rotation and one name with a consecutive blocks the system will read it as one rotation and send the evaluation one time at the end of the year. 

What should we do if the resident take vacation during his rotation?

If his vacation is more than half of the rotation he will not pass the rotation and he should repeat it, but if the vacation is less than half of his rotation he should compensate the days spent in the vacation.

What is the benefit of adding vacation ?

It is helpful to export a vacation report from schedules, print views, vacation then fill the require information.

What is the benefit of adding vacation ?

It is helpful to export a vacation report from schedules, print views, vacation then fill the require information.

My Program Director evaluated me, but I can't view my evaluation?

Kindly make sure that:

  • The evaluation has been released by your program director.
  • You have evaluated the rotation and faculty.
  • Make sure that your rotation is finished .

My Program Director evaluated me, but I can't view my evaluation?

Kindly make sure that:

  • The evaluation has been released by your program director.
  • You have evaluated the rotation and faculty.
  • Make sure that your rotation is finished .

My Program Director evaluated me, but I can't view my evaluation?

Kindly make sure that:

  • The evaluation has been released by your program director.
  • You have evaluated the rotation and faculty.
  • Make sure that your rotation is finished .

My Program Director evaluated me, but I can't view my evaluation?

Kindly make sure that:

  • The evaluation has been released by your program director.
  • You have evaluated the rotation and faculty.
  • Make sure that your rotation is finished .

I have entered a log procedure, but I can't view it?

Kindly make sure that:

  • Your log has been approved by the consultant.
  • Your rotation schedule is filled out.

I want to fill out WBA forms, but I can’t see them in my TO DO’s?

Please contact your PD or secretary responsible for the specialty to make sure that they fill up your rotation schedule then do the send out

What should I do if I want to fill out my information on One45 system (image, national ID-registration number..)?

Kindly contact the secretary in your center to update your information.

What should I do if I have 2 or more accounts on the system?

Kindly contact us through TAWASUL to merge them for you.

How can I send login instructions?

Click on the user’s name>personal info>email login instructions.

How can I add a vacation/leave for a resident?

Go to rolodexes>click on his name>vacation/leave>add new leave.

How to forward the evaluation for other evaluator if needed?

Sendouts>outstanding forms> custom queries>all outstanding forms>evaluator name>get forms>fwd.

How can I add the permissions for Joint training affairs?

 To provide Joint training affairs permissions kindly raise a TKT in TAWASUL system

We need to upload the log book items for graduate trainees , how can trainees add it ?

The request should be raise from Training Program Administrator in SCFHS & attached the log book items ..

I receive evaluations for some trainees that they are not under my center.

Kindly raise a TKT in TAWASUL system (by the Program director) with a screen shot & specify the evaluation that you want to remove

After newly update of the system, I can’t add different distributor for different rotation?

You can assign different distributor for each rotation form setup > Evaluation workflow > form distributors by rotation > select the rotation > change > add the distributor name

There is no completion percentage in the report?

According to our newly updated features , kindly note that you can view the percentage of completion rate from Reports > reports center >  Promotion report ( Updated & Faster )

as Associate Executive Director how can I view the result?

Kindly note that formative assessment team are develop the system periodically to suit each program needs, we will announce soon about the dashboard to view the performance and the completion rate for all programs, and we will provide all the Training Program Administrator in SCFHS with all the require permissions

Un flexibility of the system which led to obligation of programs to limited evaluation models and specific formulas

The formative assessment team can customize the forms to suit the needs of each specialty according to a specific style after making sure that they are compatible with the curriculum as there are some assessment that not supported by the system as it must contain a specific criteria .

How to remove a consultant from rolodex?

Go to the consultant profile - personal info - department - remove from rolodex.

There is an inconsistency in the started dates of the clinical cycles led to difficulty to build the schedule for the whole year

the duration of rotation schedule are build based on the requirement of each program (monthly – weekly – 4 weeks) , please note that you can change it 7 day forward or backward  from setup >manage blocks

Dividing the duration of the evaluation according to the rotation schedule

We divide the duration of rotation schedule based on what we received from the scientific council, if you want to change it kindly contact with Training Program Administrator in SCFHS to provide us with  the requirement After the approval from scientific council

How can I deactivate the elective rotation during the rotation?

You can deactivate it from Setup > manage Rotation > select the rotation > deactivate

The Eligibility to enter Saudi Board Exam

ما هي خدمة  التقديم لأهلية الدخول لاختبارات البورد السعودي  لحملة الماجستير أو الدكتوراه لتخصصات طب الأسنان من الجامعات الوطنية؟

خدمة تتيح لحملة ماجستير الاسنان في الجامعات الوطنية  التقدم للحصول على فرصة للجلوس للاختبار النهائي (المعرفي والسريري) لشهادة الاختصاص السعودية 

ماهي خدمة التقديم لأهلية الدخول لاختبارات الهيئة لحاملي شهادة اكمال التدريب من الجامعات الخارجية (أمريكا ، كندا ، استراليا ) في تخصصات الطب البشري والأسنان؟

خدمة تتيح لمن انهو التدريب من الجامعات الخارجية من أمريكا وأستراليا وكندا في تخصصات الطب البشري و الأسنان التقدم للحصول على فرصة للجلوس للاختبار النهائي (المعرفي والسريري) لشهادة البورد السعودي

متى يتم إعلان فتح بوابة التقديم على الخدمة؟

يوم الأحد 26 مايو 2024 م

متى يتم إغلاق بوابة التقديم على الخدمة؟

يوم الخميس 6 يونيو 2024م

متى يتم إعلان النتائج؟ 

يوم الأربعاء 07 أغسطس 2024 م

في حال تم رفض مؤهلي هل استطيع التقديم مرة آخرى؟

لا, لا يمكنك التقديم مرة آخرى.

هل سيتم اعلان النتائج دفعة واحدة؟

لا, سيتم إعلانها تباعاً.

ما هي التخصصات المتاحة للتقديم على خدمة  التقديم لأهلية الدخول لاختبارات البورد السعودي لتخصص الاسنان لحملة الماجستير أو الدكتوراة لتخصصات طب الأسنان من الجامعات الوطنية أو شهادة إكمال التدريب من الجامعات الخارجية ( أمريكا ، كندا ، أستراليا )؟

  1. تقويم الأسنان.
  2. إصلاح الأسنان.
  3. طب تعويضات الاسنان. 
  4. أمراض وجراحة اللثة.
  5. علاج جذور وعصب الأسنان.
  6. طب أسنان الأطفال .

ما هي التخصصات المتاحة للتقديم على خدمة التقديم لأهلية الدخول لاختبارات البورد السعودي  لحاملي شهادة إكمال التدريب من الجامعات الخارجية ( أمريكا ، كندا ، أستراليا ) في تخصصات الطب البشري؟

جميع تخصصات الطب البشري.

كم مدة دراسة أهلية التقديم على اختبارات البورد السعودي؟

حسب الجدول الزمني المعلن 

ما هي خدمة التقديم لأهلية الدخول لاختبارات البورد السعودي؟

خدمة التقديم لأهلية الدخول لاختبارات البورد السعودي مخصصة لثلاث فئات:

  1. حملة الماجستير أو الدكتوراه لطب الاسنان من الجامعات الوطنية  فقط. ( على التخصصات المعلنة فقط)
  2. لحاملي شهادة إكمال التدريب من الجامعات الخارجية ( أمريكا ، كندا ، أستراليا ) في تخصصات الطب البشري . ( على جميع التخصصات)
  3. لحاملي شهادة إكمال التدريب من الجامعات الخارجية ( أمريكا ، كندا ، أستراليا ) في تخصصات الأسنان. ( على التخصصات المعلنة)

ماهي متطلبات التقديم على خدمة التقديم لأهلية الدخول لاختبارات البورد السعودي  لحملة الماجستير أو الدكتوراه لتخصصات طب الأسنان من الجامعات الوطنية؟

  1. وثيقة التخرج من برنامج الماجستير أو الدكتوراه.
  2. إرفاق وثيقة البكالوريوس.
  3. السجل الأكاديمي كاملاً.
  4. سجل الحالات (Logbook) المستكمل أثناء البرنامج مع تصديق مدير البرنامج.
  5. المنهج العلمي المعتمد من الجامعة والذي تم تطبيقه أثناء الدراسة.
  6. السيرة الذاتية.
  7. شهادة حسن السيرة والسلوك.
  8. يجب ألا تقل مدة التدريب الإكلينيكي للمتقدم خلال برنامج الماجستير عن ثلاث سنوات تدريبية.

ماهي متطلبات التقديم على خدمة التقديم لأهلية الدخول لاختبارات البورد السعودي  لحاملي شهادة إكمال التدريب من الجامعات الخارجية ( أمريكا ، كندا ، أستراليا ) في تخصصات الطب البشري والأسنان؟

  1. شهادة المؤهل الحاصل عليه.
  2. سجل حالات رسمي (logbook) المستكمل أثناء البرنامج.
  3. المنهج العلمي المعتمد من الجامعة والذي تم تطبيقه أثناء الدراسة أو مايعادله.
  4. السيرة الذاتية.
  5. شهادة حسن سيرة وسلوك أو شهادة (Good sكيف تصدر وثيقة التخرج للمقبولين بعد اجتياز الاختبار ؟tanding) من المرجع الدراسي.

كيف تصدر وثيقة التخرج للمقبولين بعد اجتياز الاختبار؟

 بمجرد اجتياز كلا الاختبارين سيتم اصدار الوثيقة  مباشرة

هل يوجد رسوم على خدمة التقديم لأهلية الدخول لاختبارات البورد السعودي؟

لا يوجد رسوم على الخدمة، فقط يتعين على المتقدم في حال قبول طلبه وتسجيله كمتدرب خارجي ، التقديم على استمارة التسجيل في الاختبار المعرفي والسريري ودفع رسوم كل اختبار في حينه

بخصوص الطلبات المرفوضة بعد الدراسة هل سيتم مطالبة المتقدم بــ رسوم إدارية ام ان دراسة الطلب ستتم مجاناً؟

لا يتم المطالبة بأي رسوم  على الطلبات المرفوضة.

هل يوجد عدد محدد للـ logbook يتم ارفاقه عند دراسة المؤهل؟

لا يوجد  logbook محدد بسبب اختلاف النظام لكل جامعة، و يستلزم ارفاق جميع الحالات التي تم العمل عليها 

هل يشترط علي ختم Logbook او توقيعه؟

نعم يجب ان يكون مختوم ومصدق من مدير البرنامج.

ما هو المقصود بـ المنهج العلمي للبرنامج؟

المنهج العلمي المعتمد من الجامعة والذي تم تطبيقه أثناء الدراسة.

هل يشترط علي ختم السجل الاكاديمي للتقديم على خدمة التقديم لأهلية الدخول لاختبارات البورد السعودي  لحملة الماجستير أو الدكتوراه لتخصصات طب الأسنان من الجامعات الوطنية؟

نعم يجب ان يكون مختوم ومصدق من مدير البرنامج.

لم اجد تخصصي  ضمن التخصصات المتاحة  على خدمة التقديم لأهلية الدخول لاختبارات البورد السعودي  لحملة الماجستير أو الدكتوراه لتخصصات طب الأسنان من الجامعات الوطنية ؟

التخصصات المعلن عنها هي المعتمدة للتقديم عليها فقط.

هل يمكنني التسجيل في خدمة التقديم لأهلية الدخول لاختبارات البورد السعودي  لحملة الماجستير أو الدكتوراه لتخصصات طب الأسنان من الجامعات الوطنية بدرجة البكالوريوس ، حيث اني لم انهي برنامج الماجستير حتى الآن ؟

لايمكن ذلك، من متطلبات التقديم ارفاق شهادة الماجستير.

عند التسجيل في خدمة التقديم لأهلية الدخول لاختبارات البورد السعودي  لحملة الماجستير أو الدكتوراه لتخصصات طب الأسنان من الجامعات الوطنية هل يشترط تسجيل مهني؟  وما هي الدرجة؟

تسجيل مهني لا يقل عن درجة نائب.

عند التسجيل في خدمة التقديم لأهلية الدخول لاختبارات البورد السعودي  لحاملي شهادة إكمال التدريب من الجامعات الخارجية ( أمريكا ، كندا ، أستراليا ) في تخصصات الطب البشري والأسنان هل يشترط تسجيل مهني ؟  وما هي الدرجة؟

لا يشترط

هل يشترط ان يكون مدير البرنامج مصنف و مسجل لدى الهيئة؟


في حال التسجيل في خدمة التقديم لأهلية الدخول لاختبارات البورد السعودي و وثيقة البكالوريوس الأصل مفقودة هل استطيع ارفاق صورة من الوثيقة علماً بأنها غير مختومة بختم طبق الأصل ؟ 

فضلاً ارفاق المستندات المتوفرة وسيتم دراستها  من قبل اللجنة المختصة.

مدة التدريب الإكلينيكي الخاصة بي (سنتين ونصف) هل يمكنني التسجيل في خدمة التقديم لأهلية الدخول لاختبارات البورد السعودي؟

فضلاً ارفاق المستندات المتوفرة وسيتم دراستها  من قبل اللجنة المختصة.

في حال تم التسجيل على خدمة التقديم لأهلية الدخول لاختبارات البورد السعودي ولكن لدي مستند ناقص ؟ كيف يمكنني إعادة ارفاقه في حال كانت البوابة مفتوحة؟

فضلاً التأكد من جميع المرفقات قبل ارسال الطلب حيث لا يوجد تعديل على المرفقات في حال تم تسليم الطلب

في حال تم التسجيل في خدمة التقديم لأهلية الدخول لاختبارات البورد السعودي ولكن لدي مستند ناقص ؟ كيف يمكنني إعادة ارفاقه بعد اغلاق البوابة ؟

فضلاً التأكد من جميع المرفقات قبل ارسال الطلب حيث لا يوجد تعديل على المرفقات في حال تم تسليم الطلب.

لعدم إمكانية توفر كافة المتطلبات، لم أتمكن من التقديم على خدمة اهلية التقديم على اختبارات الهيئة لحملة الماجستير او الدكتوراه  في تخصصات طب الاسنان من الجامعات الوطنية  وخدمة دراسة اهلية التقديم على اختبارات الهيئة لمن انهو التدريب من الجامعات الخارجية من أمريكا وأستراليا وكندا في تخصصات الطب البشري و الأسنان  ، هل سيتم فتح البوابة السنة القادمة ؟

يتم الإعلان عن ذلك في الموقع الرسمي للهيئة السعودية للتخصصات الصحية وعبر منصات التواصل الاجتماعي.

ما هي معايير القبول في خدمة اهلية التقديم على اختبارات الهيئة لحملة الماجستير او الدكتوراه في تخصصات طب الاسنان من الجامعات الوطنية وخدمة دراسة اهلية التقديم على اختبارات الهيئة لمن انهو التدريب من الجامعات الخارجية من أمريكا وأستراليا وكندا في تخصصات الطب البشري و الأسنان؟

لا يوجد معاير قبول، يتم دراسة طلبكم من قبل اللجان المختصة بحسب الشروط المعلنه على الموقع 

هل يشترط GPA محدد للقبول في خدمة اهلية التقديم  على اختبارات الهيئة  لحملة الماجستير او الدكتوراه  في تخصصات طب الاسنان من الجامعات الوطنية  وخدمة دراسة اهلية التقديم على اختبارات الهيئة لمن انهو التدريب من الجامعات الخارجية من أمريكا وأستراليا وكندا في تخصصات الطب البشري و الأسنان؟

لا يشترط معدل معيّن.

هل توجد صلاحية لإشعار القبول في  خدمة اهلية التقديم على اختبارات الهيئة لحملة الماجستير او الدكتوراه في تخصصات طب الاسنان من الجامعات الوطنية وخدمة دراسة اهلية التقديم على اختبارات الهيئة لمن انهو التدريب من الجامعات الخارجية من أمريكا وأستراليا وكندا في تخصصات الطب البشري و الأسنان ؟ 

في حال الحصول على إشعار قبول فسيتوجب استكمال إجراء التسجيل كمتدرب خارجي خلال 30 يوم من تاريخ الإشعار، وهو ما سيتيح للمقبول التسجيل في الاختبار خلال الفترة النظامية المتاحة (حاليا ثلاث سنوات وفقاً للائحة والقواعد التنفيذية للتقييم)

تعذّر قبول طلبي للتسجيل في خدمة التقديم لأهلية الدخول لاختبارات البورد السعودي ، ماهي الاسباب المحتملة لعدم القبول؟

يرجع ذلك لأحد الأسباب التالية:
عدم أهلية مقدم الطلب وفقاً للشروط المعلنة (على سبيل المثال: مؤهل من جامعة غير سعودية – عدم الحصول على تصنيف لا يقل عن درجة نائب – أو الإخلال بغيرها من الشروط)
لتعذر الحصول على معادلة المؤهل المقدم (ماجستير – دكتوراة) لشهادة إكمال التدريب لبرنامج شهادة الاختصاص لطب الأسنان وفقاً لتوصية اللجان العلمية المختصة  ستكون الطريقة المتاحة للحصول على شهادة البورد السعودي عبر التقدم لبوابة المفاضلة والقبول.

Saudi Board in Clinical Pharmacy

تخصص الصيدلة R3 ليس ضمن التخصصات الدقيقة في موقع الهيئة. هل هناك آلية أخرى للتقديم؟

يمكنكم التقديم عبر رابط التخصصات الدقيقة واختيار التخصص الصيدلة السريرية وستظهر لكم البرامج التابعة للتخصص.